Panagiota Kotsila

Researcher in political ecology and environmental justice

She is a political ecologist and currently works at the Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA-UAB) and the Barcelona Laboratory for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability (BCNUEJ), where she conducts research on feminist political ecology, urban climate adaptation and justice.

She focuses on public health policy and has published extensively on issues such as waterborne diseases, malaria and Covid-19 from a critical interdisciplinary perspective, mobilising concepts such as bio/necropolitics, embodiment and intersectionality. She has also studied processes of neoliberalisation of urban nature, green inequalities and the role of care and political mobilisation in sustaining the justice potentials of urban gardens. She has contributed to the mapping of socio-environmental justice struggles in Barcelona and has recently published the open access book Injustice in Urban Sustainability: ten core drivers (with Anguelovski, I., Garcia-Lamarca, M. and Sekulova, F. , 2022, Routledge).

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